Saturday, October 24, 2009


Just got home from a long, crazy, not long enough vacation through Europe. I suppose I'll start at the end and work my way back, I ran into a couple of friends on the train ride back to florence and we were able to share a couple bottles of champagne together and now I'm attempting to record my wanderings (so bear with me).

1st stop Brussels. Not a very popular tourist stop, and I probably wouldn't have gone there except that the flight was 10 Euro's, but Brussels was a grand time. I stayed in a hostel called Van Gogh Hostel, in a 10 person dorm. My travelling buddy took a later flight than mine and never showed up at the hostel, of course I was worried, but I though perhaps she had just missed her flight so I decided not to worry. I spent the first part of night one at the hostel bar where I met many kids my age (plus older and younger) from all over europe. I ended up going with a french girl (who had an extreeeemly thick accent) and a swiss girl to a blues bar in downtown Brussels. The next day I explored  Brussels a bit and this is what I saw...

Somehow the most famous statue in Brussels is of this small boy peeing. Down the street they put a small girl peeing (for equality...) I think they have gone a bit mad.

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