Saturday, November 28, 2009

As December continues to creep closer I am slowly starting to fear that I have so much to do and so little time left to do it, I mean, I still haven't been to the Ufittzi gallery! Not only is there more of Florence and Italy that I want to explore but, I have 3 books to finish, too many photos to develop, and 3 more canvases to fill with paint. But come Tuesday I will have only 17 days left and I'm trying to find ways to budget my time so that I can cram everything in.

Today I spent my time doing my very least favorite activity, cleaning and organizing my apartment and writing lists of everything I need to do. Hopefully this will help me see/do as much as possible while still finishing the loads of work I have in school. But though I'm sad to have to leave Italy after what seems like such a brief time, I can't wait to some home and see everybody! Florence is staring to get ready for Christmas by setting up lights everywhere (which are really beautiful to see) and window displays in many stores and its making me a bit nostalgic...

Let me know if there's anything you need/want from Italy because it won;t be long before I'm back on an airplane headed for the good ol' US of A!

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