Thursday, November 12, 2009

Health and PIctureplane in Paris

Above: Justin the mime also went to RMCAD (but before my time..) is now living in France and traveling Europe on his bicycle.
Random french Mohawk kid.
Travis the friend I went to see (his band/stage? name is Pictureplane)

Tis me.

Bought a cheap ticket to Paris for Halloween to watch my friend Travis play with the Band Health! Unfortunately my flight arrived at nine p.m. and then I had to take an hour long bus and a 20 min taxi ride and I completely missed both shows. But I was sporting an awesome purple wig and got to hang out with the bands and enjoy Halloween festivities in Paris! Though not many people were dressed up it was a truly memorable Halloween. A friend of Travis' that I met named Justin took these pictures of everyone in the same hat and distorted them(except the poster), I think they are quite neat...

I also got the chance to explore Paris the next day which was quite wonderful except for the torrential rain. To get back to Florence I took the overnight train which was also quite an experience. The compartment I was in was about the size of a walk-in closet and it had 6 bunk-beds which folded out of the wall. The first to arrive in the compartment were me and a nice Australian girl about my age. Then came a man from Egypt, Two men from India, and a man from the congo (when he figured out I was american he kept saying over and over OBAMA, WE CAN, WE CAN!) who all spoke only french (and their native languages). We tried to communicate but it was to no avail.

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